Tyranosaurus Rex
TYRANOSAURUS REX (ty-RAN-o-sawr-us) "Tyrant Lizard" (Greek tyrannos = tyrant + sauros = lizard, because of its great size and wicked TEETH and CLAWS)
The last and largest known CARNOSAUR. This huge meat eater measured up to 50 feet (15 m) from the tip of its enormous jaws to the end of its TAIL. It was 18.5 feet (5.6 m) tall and weighed 6 tons (5.4 metric tons). It ran with its massive tail extended to balance its 4 foot (1.2 m) head. Its monstrous 3 foot (90 cm) jaws were lined with 60 dagger-like teeth that were 3 to 6 inches (8 to 15 cm) long. Tyrannosaurus had long, strong hind legs, and its huge FEET were equipped with 8 inch (20 cm)talons. However, its arms were very short, only about 30 inches (76 cm) long they were so short that Tyranosaurus could not even scratch its chin! But the HANDS, like the feet, were armed with long, strong claws.Read More Visit Tripod
Extinct relative of primitive mammals that lived from
about 286 million to 270 million years ago during the early permian
period.Fossils of which are found in North America.
submes Brontosaurus giant herbivorous sauropod dinosaur,
one of the largest land animal of all time,that lived between
147 million and 137 million years ago during the late Jurasic
and Early Cretaceous Periods.It fossils remains are found in
North America and Europe.Weigh as much as 30 tons and measured
up to 21 meters(70 feet)long.
Philoceraptops small,lightly built predatory or
omnivorous dinosaur.Fossils in deposits from th late
Cretaceous Periods.Oviraptor is named from the latin
terms for egg and robber.
Usually Subsumes Gorgosaurus large carnivorous dinosaur
of the late Cretaceous Periods(99 million to 65 million years ago)
found as fossils in North America and Eastern Asia.
Duck-billed dinosaur(hadrosaur)notable for the hatched-
shaped hollow bony crest on top of its skull.Fossils of the herbivour
date to the late Cretaceous Period of North America.Lambeosaurus was
first discover in 1914 in the oldman formation,Alberta Canada.
Dinosaurs From The Early Jurassic Periods
Dinosaurs From The Early Cretaceous Period
Names Of Other Dinosaurs
diploducus miasaura deinonychus dilophosaurus
long neck hadrosaur compsognathos polar allosaur
eoraptor parasaurolophus iguanodon brontosaurus
pterosaurus saurolophus troodon ornitolestes
archaeopteryx corythosaurus psittacosaurus pleurosaur
kronose edmontosaurus baryonyx pterodon
trycerotops kritosaurus avimimus brachiosaurus
Triceratops tsintaosaurus allosaurus
End Of Eocene
basilosaurus/Prehistoric Whale
indricothere/Prehistoric Mammal
entelodont/Prehistoric Pig
hyaenadon/Prehistoric giant hyena
mysteries hah!!!!!!ok dude thanks for the comment!!!! :)
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